Putting on the Rookie Affinity is quick and easy. Please watch our videos below and follow the instructions below.

Front Wearing (from 3.5 kg):

Video Thumbnail

Back Wearing (From 6 months):

Video Thumbnail
You can also download the instructions here.

Safety instructions


Make sure your baby's head is always turned to the side, i.e. your baby's nose is not pressed against your chest.

Are you unsure whether everything is sitting correctly or would you like our baby wearing consultant Leyla to simply take a look? Then arrange your free baby wearing consultation here.

General Tips

  • All Rookies grow with your baby. This means that settings on the baby carrier have to be changed at times when things pinch. When putting on the hip belt, make sure that the carrier is centered (i.e. not shifted to the right/left) and sits at your natural waist.
  • The safety elastic on the buckle should be looped around the buckle when closed for extra security.
  • Adjust the bridge so that it reaches from the back of your baby's knees to the back of his knees.
  • Make sure that your baby's butt "slides" into the carrier a bit so that the hollows of the knees are slightly over the buttocks (M-shape).
  • Tie the straps nice and tight but not too tight. The aim is for your baby to have a slightly rounded back. Your hand should still be able to comfortably reach between your baby's back and the carrier.
  • You can adjust the headrest to different sizes by attaching the bottom snaps to the top "buttons".

Front wearing (from 3.5 kg):

 A few additional tips:

1. Try the carrier when your baby is comfortable. I.e. is not hungry, has a fresh diaper on and has slept well.
2. Gently rock your baby on your chest before adjusting the buckle/buckle straps. This is how your baby slowly gets used to the carrier.
3. Your baby might also be fussing lying near your breast and smelling your milk. You can give them a pacifier at the beginning to calm them down.