Fetal Development
During the second trimester, our little angels experience rapid growth! Many of the major organs and systems are fully formed by the end of this trimester. How exciting?
Here is a week by week guide on how your little one is developing over the next few weeks and what you can expect!
Week 13: At this stage, the baby's vocal cords are developing, and he or she can make sounds. The baby's digestive system is also starting to function, and the kidneys are producing urine. How incredible!
Week 14: The baby's body is starting to become more proportionate, and he or she is beginning to grow hair on the head. The baby is also starting to make facial expressions.
Week 15: The baby's skeletal system is starting to become more solid, and he or she is growing more muscle tissue. The baby's taste buds are also developing.
Week 16: The baby's skin is becoming thicker, and he or she is starting to develop more body fat. Your baby's eyes are moving, and he or she can see light.
Week 17: Your baby's brain is developing rapidly, and he or she is starting to practise breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The baby is also starting to grow fingernails and toenails.
Week 18: Your baby is starting to develop more distinct facial features, such as eyebrows and eyelashes. The baby's hearing is also becoming more sensitive, and he or she can hear the mother's heartbeat and voice.
Week 19: Your little angel is starting to develop more complex reflexes, such as grasping and sucking. The baby's skin is becoming less transparent, and he or she is growing more hair on the head.
Week 20: The baby is now halfway through the pregnancy. The baby is starting to develop more fat under the skin, and he or she is growing more rapidly. The mother may start to feel the baby's movements at this stage.
Week 21: The baby's digestive system is becoming more efficient, and he or she is starting to swallow amniotic fluid. The baby's taste buds are becoming more sensitive.
Week 22: The baby is starting to develop a regular sleep-wake cycle, and he or she is becoming more responsive to sounds and touch. The baby is also starting to produce more red blood cells.
Week 23: The baby's skin is becoming more opaque, and he or she is developing more sweat glands. The baby is also starting to develop more mature lungs.